Viljamovka Zima, 38 Vol. %
Med Alpami in Jadranskim morjem lies a fruit-growing estate, which our grandfather purchased after the collapse of the Yugoslav fruit cooperative. Throughout the year, he cultivated fresh fruit, and in winter, when the orchards rest, they produced something much more delicate from pears – Viljamovka. The recipe has remained the same since the very beginning when grandfather first distilled selected pears in 1965. These are still hand-picked, aged, and cooked in small batches today, which Viljamovka enriches with a velvety taste and flawless texture.
Respect for nature, the tradition of distilling masters, and the culture of Slavic heritage give it a unique character in winter. This places it alongside any distilled beverage and creates a drinking culture that intertwines exploration with tradition.
Drink tip: Williams pear brandy
Country of origin: Slovenia
Region: Posavje
Alcohol content: 38 Vol. %
Quantities: 100ml / 700ml
Vonj: Hruška je zelo očitna, za tem sušeno sadje z grozdjem in hinti svežih nasadov.
Okus: Svež in oster, skoraj zemeljski. Poln hrušk, sliv, grozdja in ognjenega karakterja.
Finiš: Dolg in saden, z okusom meda in pritajenimi cvetlicami.