Tone Pavček verses

Tone Pavček was one of the most important Slovenian poets of the 20th century, who marked the Slovenian literary landscape with his works and was popular among both young and older readers.

Pavček is known for his exceptional sensitivity to the beauty of language and his mastery of expressing emotions and thoughts through simple, yet deep and poetic speech. His poems are full of emotions, dreams, hope, and life wisdom that touch the reader's heart and speak to them on the deepest level.

His work spans various themes, from love and friendship to social issues and nature. A characteristic of Pavček's poetry is also the attention to everyday life, through which he expresses universal human experiences and values.

In addition to his poetry, Pavček also wrote for children, where his simple yet touching texts sparked curiosity, imagination, and respect for nature and human relationships. Due to his depth and versatility, the verses from his pen are ideal for greetings on many occasions. We have gathered the most beautiful ones for you, so you never run out of ideas on what to write for special occasions and milestones.

"Happiness is not in the head and not in the validity."
"and if you have a mountain of gold at your fingertips."
Happiness is when the work is done well.
and if you like someone.
A small, very small song has gone.
about the first dusk
along a narrow path
lost herself in the green field.
"Whoever knows, breathes now through the trumpets,"
night for me,
smells like cornflowers,
but for everything lost?
So flow. Simple as a river.
From the source to the outlet.
Don't forget how beautiful the willow branches are,
where to write little songs of the wind,
in the horizon unattainable.
In spring to the little rose flower,
fly to ripe wheat,
autumn to full shelves,
in winter to the snow queen,
in the book to the last line,
in life to the true truth.
And if you don't come the first time or the second time.
to the roof and the right roof,
try again and again and again.
I went to meet dinner.
I was there in the evening.
No sun. It is a salty tear of pain,
who will take it through and through, through all the salt pans.
Stay with me, bird,
don't fly to the south side,
silence grows over me;
I wouldn't want to die alone.
In the heart, if this is the right one,
there is always room
for a thousand splendid things,
who must love
everything that lives.
"You are in the world to watch the sun."
"You are in the world to go after the sun."
"You are in the world to be your own sun."
Come dear, in the evening
to me in the dreamy hills,
everything invites you, everything calls you:
'earth, flowers, darkness and peace.'
To live.
Always to the end.
Start from the beginning.
So what's the reason?
if the world is not flat!
Whatever happens will happen.
and something else.
Mom is an angel herself,
but Angela doesn't need it.
'Her task is given.'
to protect others.
Every person is a world in themselves.
strange, bright and beautiful
the star cat in the sky ...
Everyone quietly matures,
slowly and over the years,
wherever you go, all paths
it is necessary to start anew.
One said Yes,
The other replied Yes.
in this she clasped her hands,
and he – the angel of marriage
"repeats the song for them"
about love
from the right source – High songs.
Every mom is a real mom.
money for happiness and joy.
In this case.
For life.
When you walk,
go measure to the end.
In spring to the little rose flower,
fly to ripe wheat,
'autumn to full shelves,'
in winter to the snow queen,
in the book to the last line,
in life to the true truth,
'in oneself to redness across one cheek and the other.'
And if you don't come the first time, nor the second time.
to the roof and of the right kind
try: again and again and again.
In the heart, if this is the right one,
there is always room
for a thousand splendid things,
who must love
everything that lives.
"You are in the world to watch the sun."
"You are in the world to go after the sun."
"You are in the world to be your own sun."
"in the world you drive away – shadows."
Every day the world starts anew.
This is how the book is compiled.
Such a life celebrates
its fruit and flower.
And happiness is not in the head and not in the distance,
"Not in the pocket or under the thumb, treasure."
Happiness is when the work is done well.
And if you care about someone.
"Then two joys burn within you."
Two suns in the heart. Two lights.
'From them, the light is spread around you,'
"You strive for the star, for yourself, towards the goal."
Life, great, high, eternal,
I'm calling you: Good day!
I offer you my hand for happiness
collective wandering somewhere...
Everyone quietly matures,
slowly and over the years,
wherever you go, all paths
it is necessary to start anew.
"I would like to run on the green meadows."
for the written happiness of yellow butterflies,
we would grow like grass, like fir trees,
"zipped into the clouds, listened to songs"
birth, love, love, life…
You are forever young
'a veteran in the field, a star in the sky.'
Far are my fields. Desolate and alone.
Far is the small, stony world.
And you are far away. Between us.
so your faces and the memories of past years.
'Love the grasses, those soft ones,'
they rustle on the plain,
quiet, soft as in the heart
forgotten memories.
"Return, birds, return to this home"
scent of the crowded and bring it in
's toploto juga oljko miru…
I won't walk past you.
'may my hand find you,'
pearl, and listens,
how in a tight world forged
there the soul of the ocean is caught.
Water and wind – an inseparable pair.
With them, the states are wonderful.
touching, caressing, dear cuddles,
the pressure of constant seduction,
high song of sensuality and dreams.
I love the evening when it slips into scarlet.
the last ray. It lingers at the edge of the day
on the sky like on a document seal
the image of paradise promised to people.
And everything is like in the already known antiquity.
Departure. Across the field. In pairs. In the moonlight.
"In his own way, everyone reads the book of creation."
And she, like a cat, never has an empty palm.
'even at the moment when the day dies,'
the last gift of your wealth.
Every person is a world of their own.
strange, bright and beautiful
like a star in the sky...
Everyone is quietly maturing.
slowly and over the years,
and wherever you go, all paths
it is necessary to start anew.
And sometimes the paths are far away,
'hand in hand does not reach,'
and sometimes too close they are,
yes you can with your nails
Who reaches the heart...
Not everything is as carefree and cheerful as it seems.
"Many people's lives have become stuck, causing pain to the individual."
"They do not go forward, but there is no way back."
Cookies at the place count their days...
(There at the end of the field)
In both like two seagulls, two terns, two voices
in the silence of the morning, two children and two graves.


Darila za rojstni dan

Obdarite svoje najdražje za rojstni dan z izvirnimi idejami iz Slovenike.

Zakaj izbrati Sloveniko?

Naša spletna trgovina je bila ustanovljena z vizijo podpiranja slovenskih malih podjetnikov, ki so temelj naše gospodarske rasti in razvoja. Z nakupom pri nas ne podpirate le slovenskega gospodarstva, ampak tudi spodbujate razvoj lokalnih skupnosti in prispevate k večji konkurenčnosti naše države na globalnem trgu.

Naši izdelki so skrbno izbrani in zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost ter izjemno okusno izkušnjo. Z močno zavezanostjo k lokalni proizvodnji in strogim nadzorom kakovosti vas lahko prepričamo, da boste prejeli le najboljše izdelke iz srca Slovenije

Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju izdelkov najvišje kakovosti, zato skrbno izbiramo vsak izdelek v našem asortimanu. Naše poslanstvo je presegati pričakovanja naših strank in ustvarjati nepozabne kulinarične izkušnje, ki povezujejo ljudi in spodbujajo ljubezen do dobrega okusa.

Toplo vabljeni, da odkrijete raznolikost slovenskih okusov, ki jih ponuja spletna trgovina