Greetings for March 8th

On the celebration of March 8, International Women's Day, it is fitting to express deep respect and sincere admiration for all the women in our lives. They are our strength, our guide, and our heart. Without them, our world would not be so rich and colorful. Every woman is a story in herself, a precious gem in the fabric of our everyday life. Their strength, tenderness, wisdom, and compassion fill our lives with meaning and beauty.

8. March is a great opportunity to thank them for their selfless contribution to our lives. For their unconditional love, which constantly reminds us of the importance of mutual respect and understanding. For their strength, which inspires us to overcome obstacles and pursue our dreams. For their compassion, which gives us warmth and hope in the toughest moments. Our ladies deserve nothing but the best. May their path be illuminated with success, happiness, and the fulfillment of all their dreams.

To sincerely tell your beloved ladies how much you love and respect them, we have selected the most beautiful wishes for March 8th:


Our dear ladies,
"Today we celebrate the magic of you."
Women are strong when they endure.
pressure and heavy burdens.
They fight for what they believe in.
they oppose the injustice.
They do not accept rejection if they believe,
that there is also a better answer.
They all answer that they have their own.
families what they need.
They are also strong when they think,
there is no way out anymore.
"I see that a kiss and a hug heal broken hearts."
They bring joy, love, and hope,
they have compassion and live for ideals.
"Women come in all shapes, sizes, and colors."
"And if God did not assemble them in overtime, they would be perfect."
So he was in his creation
a mistake crept up on you ...
Women often forget,
how much they are really worth.
So, dear __ never forget this!
'Body – inner beauty is what matters.'
"You are your own best friend."
the key to your happiness and immediately,
if you are not aware of this, you are just something
heartbeats away from happiness.
(Cherie Lunghi)
In every heart, there is room for happiness.
"Let us unite good wishes in the stars,"
let's shape happiness in the sun,
"Let us sprinkle the flowers of hope on friendship."
Dear lady of our passion,
'our business is an impersonal thing,'
'because of you, our thoughts are greasy,'
and with you and for you, we earn money more easily.
Whoever does not like women,
'there's nothing to look for in this world,'
because we women are created for that,
that men love us,
spoil and protect!
Long live the women of this world
Happy International Women's Day!
A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves passionately.
Her tears flow just as abundantly,
when her laughter spreads.
A strong woman is as sensual as she is strong.
She is resourceful and is a spiritual being.
A strong woman is a gift to the world!
Find out who you are outside of your frame.
family or your relationship.
Find out who you are in this world and what
you need to feel good.
I think that this is the most important thing in life.
Find the meaning of yourself, as with this you can
"you also do everything else in life."
(Angelina Jolie)
Dear lady of our wonderful,
you make our days and nights better,
just right to regret,
"It is nicer for us with you."
Our dear ladies,
"May everything be even more to your liking today."
  1. March Dan Woman
Congratulations to you, mommy.
I give you flowers,
I wish you happiness and health!
'Then a little bird will sing to you,'
the little rose will bloom.
Mom, I love you,
so I wish you a beautiful day!
"I congratulate you on your holiday."
let the following follow this congratulations
and the wish that it happens to you
the thing that makes you happy!
The most special day will be for you,
brides and grooms
I wish you joy aloud,
I gift meadow flowers.
Your beauty is magic,
blooming colorful beauties,
may the warmth of the little one be a gift
in your days without spikes.
Woman … She is a mother, daughter, wife, sister, …
You are an incredible person.
"I am powerful, smart, cunning."
You are passionate, brave, generous.
She is beautiful, smart.
Gives life, love, respect,
gratitude and believes in others.
'A woman will care for you, she will fight for you,'
"that's why you deserve all of this in return too."
When a woman assumes, it is most often
more reliable than what a man knows.
(P. Maffay)
All the best for International Women's Day,
you will survive it from the heart,
because you are a wonderful woman,
I want you to stay like this for me.
for your closeness, makes me happy,
Without you, my life is lost!!!
Because you are a great person,
if close, when needed,
to my mom/mother-in-law/sister from the heart,
I wish you a happy Women's Day.
There's something in the air.
Beautiful. Gentle.
There's something in the air.
It can be heard. It can be sensed.
Like breath and shiver.
Like a noise and a whisper
in the last minute.
There's something in the air.
What reflects in the eyes,
which resonates with people
at every step.
Is this for a song?
mysterious inspiration?
Or love?
Her breath and sigh?
(Tone Pavcek)
Kiss me gently, while others hurry,
invite me to the city when others are already sleeping.
(Feri Lainšček, Don't Be Like Others)
"Women are wonderful beings."
that we know how to create,
even if we don't have coverage on the card,
"We know how to set ourselves up!"
"Whatever women do, it must be twice as good."
from what men do. Fortunately, it's not difficult.
(Charlotte Whitton)
The power of a woman comes from the fact,
"that cannot be explained even by psychology."
Men can be analyzed, women ...
He just loves it.
(Oscar Wild)
Because he is a great person,
I'm close when needed.
my sister from the heart,
I wish you a happy Women's Day.
"Now with a verse I brighten your day,"
I tell you that I love you,
I'll bring you a little flower.
I take some care with me.
  1. March Dan Woman
Congratulations to you, mommy.
I give you flowers,
I wish you happiness and health!
'Then a little bird will sing to you,'
the little rose will bloom.
Don't give it today, just like every day,
moral would be your day,
"not in the company of your family,"
and the day of the woman passes the most beautifully.
Women's beauty is not reflected in
'image, but in her soul.'
'Her passion is in loving care.'
"In the beauty of a woman grows with age."
Dear mother, dear wife,
There is no one like you,
"we truly wish you from the heart,"
Happy International Women's Day.
"I'll give you a little flower and hug you."
and I will take the work out of your hands immediately,
let me tell you as I know it,
how happy I am to have you.
My proud little bee is my mother,
'her hands' and fingers are golden,'
"do it, go, don't stop,"
caring for the family is the first in mind.
Snowy rags are already rare,
'the snow sparkles in the mountains,'
the first ray of the sun seeks,
spring is born.
March 8, International Women's Day,
and all the mothers and girls,
'every hand carries a flower,'
every happy one smiles.
Endless love and pure heart,
'it represents you, is your name,'
'one quickly gets used to praise,'
we want to tell you that we love you.
The best wife and the best mother,
please accept this greeting,
'happiness is known to you,'
you are the greatest gift.
Dear woman, today is your day, March 8,
"Recognize your greatness!"
I am also looking forward to it.
"I wish to sell at the same time,"
that we would have at the flight
and women all over the world.
(Franja Jorga)
"The woman is the strongest being of creation."
and the most fragile thing in it.
Her beauty reveals itself in the eyes.
and its uniqueness comes from the heart.
Flowers need sunlight to bloom.
A woman only needs love.
(Li Tai Po)
"Women are wonderful beings."
that we know how to create,
even if we don't have coverage on the card,
"We know how to set ourselves up!"
March 8th Women's Day
Congratulations to you, mommy.
I give you flowers,
I wish you happiness and health!
'Then a little bird will sing to you,'
the little rose will bloom.
Mom, I love you,
so I wish you a beautiful day!
Dear women, today is your day, March 8,
'Recognize your greatness!'
'For Women's Day, you receive a gift.'
for your heart will rejoice,
you will receive a kiss on the cheeks,
in the bellflower shop you will be happy,
who gave you out of your hands
because your loving child.
Our dear ladies,
"Today we celebrate the magic of you."
Dear lady of our passion,
'our business is an impersonal thing,'
'because of you, our thoughts are greasy,'
and with you and for you, we earn money more easily.
Dear lady of our wonderful,
you make our days and nights better,
just right to regret,
"It is nicer for us with you."
Our dear ladies,
"May everything be even more to your liking today."
I wish you a happy Women's Day,
I wish you every day,
to be healthy only
my dear mommy!
"No flower is as beautiful as a woman."
no breeze blows as gently as a gentle woman,
'no one came as tough as a strong woman,'
no one has brought so much rain,
as many tears as a woman sheds
and no one has so much love
the cat that has a female inside!
All the best on Women's Day!
True beauty is not related to the color of hair or eyes.
True beauty comes from this,
for we are like human beings,
our principles and moral compass.
(Ellen DeGeneres)
A strong woman understands,
give her a gift when she struggles, success.
Maxine Waters
Being a woman is an incredibly difficult task.
"One must have the heart of a lioness and the stomach of an opossum."
Women are like books in life;
"some you read only once, while others you read multiple times."
Women are like tea bags; you never know,
"they are strong until you dip them in hot water."
Eleanor Roosevelt
"Women are the source of life, they carry strength within them."
'they give birth to new life, and thus create a new beginning.'
Nandita Das
"A woman is like a star; she doesn't always shine."
'When it shines, it shines brighter than any other star.'
"Better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep."
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
"A woman is like a rope; every day she has a different role and strength."
"If you want to do something right, ask a woman."
Rudyard Kipling
Don't try to educate others
but to change their opinion;
go over, under, through and opinions will be
"I changed the organic, when you are the boss."
Or not.
Who cares?
"Do your own thing and don't worry about it."
if they like it.
(Tina Frey)
Your heart is full of love,
'heart, that is always loving,'
'you care for others not for yourself'
you deserve a lot of happiness.
Who means the most to you,
that someone changes for you,
all the old and the young,
we love you dearly!
Every day will be intertwined with attention.
and not just today, when it is the holiday of women!
"We all love you, mom."
"That's why we give you this congratulations."
Let's celebrate International Women's Day together -
the best luck will be at our home!
With love, your hand nurtures me,
your smile truly makes me happy!
'You have shed a lot of blood and sweat,'
'you gave birth to me in the pains of childbirth.'
"I can only thank like this,"
I snuggle closely into your arms.
Gentle, sensitive, kind, and sweet
you have always been to your family.
"You will now feel the death of love."
"Why does it abundantly flow from our hearts for you!?"
Mom, for the holiday your both
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart!
March 8 is Women's Day.
and all women and girls,
'every hand carries its flower,'
every heart smiles.
"Allow me to congratulate you on International Women's Day."
let the following follow this congratulations
and the wish that it comes true for you
the very thing you desire most!
'Then a little bird will sing to you,'
the little rose will bloom.
Mom, I love you,
so I wish you a beautiful day!
If all the bushes would bloom and all the flowers would scent,
'all the streams murmured, all the stars shone.'
'I give gifts to her, to whom I owe everything, everything.'
"I could give you too little, my dear mother!"
"It's good that God recognized it soon."
'without women, this world will not stand.'
"so thank God that He sent us,"
if a big mess wouldn't be created!
"Yes, mommy, we have you."
"That's why we give you this congratulations."
Let's celebrate International Women's Day together.
the best luck will be at our home!
'The best Women's Day will be special for you,'
bride's beautiful wedding dress,
I wish you joy aloud,
I will give wonderful flowers.
I would like to give you a red flower,
'I can't for you because you are no longer here.'
and in me you still live dear mom,
'I still feel your warm hand, I hear your voice.'
I would like to see all women accompanied by a smile,
'in difficult moments, we would feel love,'
and I love someone I would really like to have..
It's not important that this holiday comes from elsewhere,
'yours is and as such remains pleasant in your heart,'
pleasant as a red fragrant flower throughout the year,
to carry him in the heart every day.
Snowballs are already rare,
the snow melted in the mountains,
the first ray of sun seeks,
the spring is being born.
Sons, we want
to your moms from the heart,
to celebrate happily
March 8, Women's Day.


Darila za rojstni dan

Obdarite svoje najdražje za rojstni dan z izvirnimi idejami iz Slovenike.

Zakaj izbrati Sloveniko?

Naša spletna trgovina je bila ustanovljena z vizijo podpiranja slovenskih malih podjetnikov, ki so temelj naše gospodarske rasti in razvoja. Z nakupom pri nas ne podpirate le slovenskega gospodarstva, ampak tudi spodbujate razvoj lokalnih skupnosti in prispevate k večji konkurenčnosti naše države na globalnem trgu.

Naši izdelki so skrbno izbrani in zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost ter izjemno okusno izkušnjo. Z močno zavezanostjo k lokalni proizvodnji in strogim nadzorom kakovosti vas lahko prepričamo, da boste prejeli le najboljše izdelke iz srca Slovenije

Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju izdelkov najvišje kakovosti, zato skrbno izbiramo vsak izdelek v našem asortimanu. Naše poslanstvo je presegati pričakovanja naših strank in ustvarjati nepozabne kulinarične izkušnje, ki povezujejo ljudi in spodbujajo ljubezen do dobrega okusa.

Toplo vabljeni, da odkrijete raznolikost slovenskih okusov, ki jih ponuja spletna trgovina