New Year's verses

The holiday season is a time of giving, warmth, love, and expressing our deepest emotions. The best way to express everything our heart feels is through New Year's verses. We have gathered a true treasure trove of wonderful word art that will fill the heart with warmth and joy. We invite you to enter a world of magic, where words flow into melodies of the holiday spirit and create unforgettable moments.

In the world of digital communication, expressing oneself in writing has become even more important. New Year's verses allow you to create intimate and emotionally rich moments with your loved ones. Whether it's simple greeting cards or longer letters, words have the power to connect hearts and create an indelible memory. The chosen words offered by New Year's verses have the power to express your love, gratitude, and optimism for the coming year.

"Nothing is as special as creating holiday memories through the art of words. New Year's verses are not just words but fragments of time that you can store in your heart and remember for years to come. When you read a verse you received from someone special, a bond is created that lasts forever and reminds us of the beauty and power of love. Likewise, you can create just that when you gift verses."

In the world of New Year's verses, there is a wealth of emotions that we can express. From joy and excitement to nostalgia and gratitude, New Year's verses offer a variety of emotional expressions suitable for every occasion. Whether you want to cheer up a friend, share love with a partner, or express your gratitude to family, there is a verse that will perfectly convey your feelings.



Life is a journey.
for which no one gets a map.
Everyone travels in their own way and draws their own map along the way.
Every drawing is a new signpost for everyone.
we walk on the wonderful paths of life.
May 2024 be a year of good cheer, love, and health.
"What comes from the sky must be taken."
"Let the world bend, do not let it break you."
'what you create, you give away next;'
'As it is with the testimony, so it will be with the new year.'
New Year is here!
Time when the desires for happiness and
health is transferred from heart to heart.
May they come true!
'Time falls like a star,'
all paths are covered
new, with paved surface,
a man of smiling happiness.
Happiness sneaks in through the door,
'you forgot that you left them open.'
Therefore, we wish you as many open doors as possible in the new year!
Good luck!
Miracles exist!
The verjeti needs to go out.
Happy New Year!
full of wonders for everyone.
May the new year unfold for you.
thin lace cookies
woven with patterns of joy,
success and satisfaction.
Where are you, delicate and dreamy snowflakes,
to decorate the festive tree
and send holiday greetings,
friends, the new year will come.
I wish you to have in the new year
always carry happiness with you,
so that we can also give it to those,
that they need.
The New Year is like a blank sheet of paper.
Paint him with dreams,
Sprinkle with love,
describe with incredible achievements
and adorns with miracles.
"Calling snowflakes, let them dance joyfully."
"Invite the little deer, let them come with dreams."
Help us, Santa, may the wishes come true.
We hug friends,
may they celebrate in peace and happiness!
At the threshold of the new year, may the 'time ruler' be with you.
tend to meet the right people,
to find the right words, to take the right paths, and within oneself
and others find only good traces.
Happy 2025
Take twelve months, clean them thoroughly of every bitterness, stinginess, triviality, and fear, and divide each month into thirty or thirty-one parts, so that it all amounts to one year. Each day, take one to two-thirds of joy and humor. Add three heaping tablespoons of optimism, a teaspoon of tolerance, a grain of irony, and a pinch of consideration. Richly pour everything with love. Garnish the prepared dish with bouquets of small attentions and serve with cheerfulness.
What awaits us behind the festive doors, when joyfully time will step over the annual threshold?
For tomorrow, illuminated by the sun, will be laid out for us with soft feathers, will the new golden times come?
"They will be golden if we gild the grayness of everyday life with honest work and kindness."
"with laughter we breathe in beauty and with sincere friendship, tenderness, happiness, peace, warmth."
"Those times, golden times, we wish you in the new year!"
"Happiness is a magical dust."
the spirit of its own
angelic rock shakes in our
the lap, to keep it and
we deny each other warmth
with understanding, with friendly sincerity
and help.
"I wish you a lot of magical dust,"
health and fulfillment of wishes in the year 2025
"The restless December bids us farewell,"
'and the last will send us his fireworks,'
and many will fulfill the promise,
and every man now asks himself.
'Then luck opens all its doors for you.'
may all secret wishes come true!
"I wish for you to find happiness where you seek it and need it the most."
"To live means to stop where the sun shines. May there be more sun in the coming year!"
Happiness is first revealed in the eyes,
for in them her laughter shines the brightest.
Happy New Year!
I wish you to always have luck with you,
so that it can also be given to those who need it.
May your health be young in the new year.
May a good and kind wind fill your sails in the coming year.
Rich is he who is content in heart and soul.
I wish you such wealth in the New Year.
Every quiet dawn, slowly and with the years,
and where is he going,
All paths must be started anew.
The right path is the path of the heart, everything else is a detour.
Straightforward in the new year wants ______
'The year that comes when the present departs,'
may love and health come to your doorstep,
'and throws a bag filled with luck onto the cart.'
The New Year is a stranger.
It will be nice to get to know him, to trust him,
but not to expect too much.
The old summer has almost passed, do not look back,
"Don't rush the new one - surprise me, go ahead."
On Christmas night, God's love became a light.
"Now it is our task to carry the light of that night all the way to the farthest corners of our world."
The months went by.
a natural circle is closed.
Next year we will all be older by about a year.
"We wish you to be happy in the year and to share that happiness with others."
"We wish that in the new year the voice of your heart continues to guide you in the search for that which cannot be expressed in words."
May all your dreams come true in the new year.
And if perhaps you have forgotten about them,
don't give up and come back to them.
"May everything you hope for come true."
for what you seek, let it be revealed,
"What you wish for, may it come true!"
"At the threshold of a new year, time allows you to meet the right people."
"to store the right words, to choose the right paths within oneself and others, and to find only good things!"
It's happiness!
In small things,
warm people,
in clenched palms.
"May health serve you in the new year."
There would be plenty of successes.
May luck always accompany you, so that in the year 202X you would spend a peaceful time.
Health, happiness, and joy
full days,
in the new year
The team _____ wishes you!
Warm hearth and laughter in the eyes,
we sincerely wish you in these holiday days,
to health and countless happy events
"In abundance, a new year would be poured for you."
Every word, every glance,
every action and every smile
can bring luck to other people.
Every moment can be a new beginning.
"May your step be resonant in the new year as well."
your brave word,
your life is sparkling
and full of warm moments.
"Happiness is not in the head and not in the validity."
"and if you have a mountain of gold at your fingertips."
Happiness is when the work is done well.
and if you like someone.
It's winter again, it's freezing again,
it's Christmas time again,
don't let worries take you away,
"In the new year, may you be granted only health and happiness."
Good luck, for that luck,
who is waiting for you somewhere,
for small and a little larger,
who hurts, runs into you.
Good luck.
"May the last December night take everything away from you."
that you want to forget,
and may the first January morning bring you two words:
Be happy!
New year is a new page.
in the book of time white and pure,
I'm writing you my wishes,
me, love and joy.
"When the festive lights are turned on in the middle of the white cold winter,"
friendship warms our hands and desire rises from the heart to the heights;
Everything that is bad should fade away with the New Year!
"Everything that is good may remain forever!"
"Everything that is good should grow and flourish!"
May peace gently embrace you!
There is a wonderful, mysterious law of nature,
'the three words that a person longs for the most:'
'happiness, freedom, and peace of mind,'
we always obtain like this,
to give it to someone we love.
'Whoever's thoughts drift far back,'
to the corner of a forest glade or a snowy orchard,
when we saw him on a happy day,
we have a feeling that we have just touched happiness.
In the quiet evening, a diligent hand gently weaves a smooth thread,
wonderful patterns weave full of dreams and imagination,
'where the thread of life weaves.'
"Combine good wishes into stars,"
'luck shapes in the sun,'
"newly on the edge of white lace, the flowers of hope are poured."
May fate weave your days in the new year with such love.
"Carefully choose your moments, cautiously choose your paths."
We wish you,
to ensure the house stands firm,
to give wine to the vine,
for the herds to multiply,
the apples were hard to carry,
to sing old songs,
be healthy and happy.
"Thoughts escape me among sincere people, among friends."
You are sent many good wishes that are not loud.
and bring with them the greatest happiness for the upcoming holidays.
I wish you
12 months worry-free,
53 weeks of happiness,
365 days without illness,
8760 hours of fun,
525600 minutes of beautiful moments
in 315360000 seconds of love.
'A smile brings sparks to your eyes,'
'ignite the fire and bright lights,'
to the summer, which time quietly urges,
and it is right that everyone dreams of happiness now.
'When dreams become reality tomorrow,'
joy spreads wide in the sky like a bird.
'May love and health flourish in the fields'
and everyone is accompanied by a cheerful will.
"All the best in the new year,"
everyone will be in a good mood.
'Of health, full bags,'
the sound of laughter and the basket of happiness.
May everything be to your liking!
The days that are grown-up, long, boring,
that centuries have grown!
The most beautiful days are as quick as little gnomes.
they keep growing, but they are always too short.
"With the best wishes, we think of you as we jump into the new year."
"He takes off the old summer shirt, puts on the freshly ironed one."
The shirt is painted with patterns of tiny wishes.
Choose a sample for yourself that will draw health, happiness, and peace for all time.
"Stretch it into a loving rainbow around the planet that will never be taken down."
So days, so years, and so springs,
we simply love each other.
Those moments when you need to start anew
and so people who simply need to be embraced.
May the coming year be interesting,
"Wishing you abundant health in all your endeavors."
bring success, let it be a twisted bag,
together with love create the greatest happiness.
In these days, you receive many greetings:
one is so romantic, the other more realistic,
one original, the other official and dry.
What shall we wish you?
Let our wish this time be advice:
don't forget about yourself,
Love each other,
hurry slowly,
love life.
"Let things come as they may – like evening, like night, morning and day."
"Wait for them to knock at your door, like rain, like a hungry bird, like a lost traveler."
Let things flow like time and water.
The future is an open palm offered for touch – withdrawal – action – expectation – or just for dreams.
"For years and years it has been like last year,"
It's winter outside again,
An old couple nods at me,
the beautiful snowflake remains on the palm.
(Feri Lainšček)
A lot of luck and beautiful dreams,
may Christmas Day bring you
let the new year come to life
without tears and worries.
May all that you hope for come true,
everything you seek will be revealed to you
everything you feel in your heart,
may it merge into your personal happiness.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
"We will now light the ports again."
we remembered the past days,
we will forget everything bad,
we forgot all the good things.
"So now let's roll up our sleeves,"
Let's look into each other's eyes,
let's wish for happiness, health
in the year that is soon to be born.
When the holiday lights are turned on
in the midst of a white, cold winter,
friendship warms our hands
and desires rise from the heart to the heights.
Everything that is bad should fade away with the new year!
"Everything that is good may remain forever!"
"Everything that is beautiful should grow and bloom!"
May the new year be illuminated with love.
and friendship, full of little
'surprises and surprising joys.'
Small unexpected gifts, touching
and wonderful embraces,
whispered thanks and children's kisses.
At the end of the year, the time of the ruler
give everyone a gift:
To someone, love is true.
"Live healthy for each other."
Someone gets Cankar's cup,
with milk, to whom it is strained.
"Grant success to many."
"A full bag of joy for everyone."
If I ever had a word,
"everything that would shake in your bowl!"

Darila za rojstni dan

Obdarite svoje najdražje za rojstni dan z izvirnimi idejami iz Slovenike.

Zakaj izbrati Sloveniko?

Naša spletna trgovina je bila ustanovljena z vizijo podpiranja slovenskih malih podjetnikov, ki so temelj naše gospodarske rasti in razvoja. Z nakupom pri nas ne podpirate le slovenskega gospodarstva, ampak tudi spodbujate razvoj lokalnih skupnosti in prispevate k večji konkurenčnosti naše države na globalnem trgu.

Naši izdelki so skrbno izbrani in zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost ter izjemno okusno izkušnjo. Z močno zavezanostjo k lokalni proizvodnji in strogim nadzorom kakovosti vas lahko prepričamo, da boste prejeli le najboljše izdelke iz srca Slovenije

Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju izdelkov najvišje kakovosti, zato skrbno izbiramo vsak izdelek v našem asortimanu. Naše poslanstvo je presegati pričakovanja naših strank in ustvarjati nepozabne kulinarične izkušnje, ki povezujejo ljudi in spodbujajo ljubezen do dobrega okusa.

Toplo vabljeni, da odkrijete raznolikost slovenskih okusov, ki jih ponuja spletna trgovina