Terms and conditions
General Terms and Conditions
The general terms and conditions of the online store Slovenika.eu are composed in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), based on the recommendations of the GZS and international codes for e-commerce.
The online store Slovenika.eu is operated by the company Regio Vita d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as "the provider"), a provider of e-business services. Upon registration in the Slovenika.eu system, the visitor obtains a username, which is the same as the address of their email, and a password. The username and password unequivocally identify and link the user to the entered data. By registering, the visitor becomes a user and gains the right to purchase.
The general terms and conditions govern the operation of the online store Slovenika.eu, the rights of the user, and the business relationship between the provider and the buyer.
Availability of information
(summary of legislation)
The supplier undertakes to always provide the buyer with the following information:
- company identity (name and registered office of the company, registration number)
- contact details that enable the user to communicate quickly and effectively (email, phone),
- essential characteristics of goods or services (including after-sales services and warranties),
- availability of products (each product or service offered on the website should be available within a reasonable time),
- conditions of product delivery or service execution (method, place, and deadline of delivery)
- all prices must be clearly and unambiguously stated, and it must be clearly shown whether they include taxes and transportation costs,
- payment and delivery method,
- validity period of the offer
- the year in which it is still possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal; in addition, also about whether and how much it costs the customer to return the product,
- "explanation of the procedure for complaints, including all contact person or customer service information."
Item offer
Due to the nature of online business, the offer of Slovenika.eu is updated and changes frequently and quickly.
The price applies equally to all users of Slovenika.eu. You become a member of Slovenika.eu by registering in the online store Slovenika.eu.
Prices are set according to the recommended prices of the suppliers.
All prices include VAT, unless expressly stated otherwise.
Prices are valid at the moment of placing the order and do not have a predetermined validity.
"Despite exceptional efforts to ensure the most up-to-date and accurate data, it may happen that the price information is incorrect. In this case, or in the event that the price of the item changes during the processing of the order, the provider will allow the customer to withdraw from the purchase, while also offering a solution that will be mutually satisfactory."
Discounts, promotional codes, etc. are not cumulative. Funds paid through gift vouchers, bonuses, and pro forma invoices do not accrue interest.
The supplier will deliver the goods or services within the agreed timeframe. The supplier reserves the right to choose any delivery service if it can fulfill the order more efficiently and in accordance with the price/cost of shipping as stated at the time of order.
The provider will contact the user through communication means to clarify the order or the delivery address and to inform about news and promotional actions, the latter only if the user does not explicitly oppose such communication. The personal data and contact addresses provided by the user upon registration or ordering are carefully protected by the provider and used in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
User opinions / comments
User opinions or comments and product reviews written by customers are part of the store's functionality intended for the user community. The provider allows any registered user of the store to write an opinion, but reviews are screened by the provider before final publication. The provider will not publish opinions or contributions that are in any way offensive, obscene, or, in the provider's opinion, do not provide benefits to other users and visitors.
By submitting an opinion or comment, the user expressly agrees to the terms of use and allows the provider to publish part or the entire text in all electronic and other media. The provider has the right to use the content indefinitely and for any purpose that is in the provider's business interest, including publication in advertisements or other marketing communications. The author of the opinion simultaneously declares and guarantees that they are the owner of the material and moral copyright for the written opinions and comments and that these rights are transferred exclusively and indefinitely to the provider.
The provider makes every effort to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the data published on its pages. However, the characteristics of the items, delivery times, or prices may change so quickly that the provider is unable to correct the data on the websites. In such a case, the provider will inform the customer of the changes and allow them to withdraw from the order or exchange the ordered item.
"Although the provider strives to provide accurate photographs of the products for sale, all photographs should be considered symbolic. The photographs do not guarantee the properties of the product."
Complaints and disputes
The provider respects the applicable consumer protection legislation. The provider makes every effort to fulfill its duty to establish an effective complaint handling system and to designate a person with whom the customer can contact by phone or email in case of problems.
The provider will confirm within five working days that they have received the complaint, inform the customer how long it will take to process it, and keep them updated on the progress of the procedure.
The provider acknowledges that a key characteristic of consumer disputes, at least regarding judicial resolution, is the disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the costs incurred in resolving the dispute itself. This is also the main obstacle preventing the consumer from initiating a dispute before the court. Therefore, the provider strives to the best of their ability to resolve any potential disputes amicably.
In accordance with legal regulations, we do not recognize any provider of out-of-court consumer dispute resolution as competent to resolve a consumer dispute that a consumer may initiate in accordance with the Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution Act. Regio Vita d.o.o., which as a provider of goods and services enables online shopping in Slovenia, publishes an electronic link on its website to the platform for online consumer dispute resolution (SRPS). The platform is available to consumers at the link HERE..
1. Order in the queue. After placing the order, the customer receives a notification via email that the order has been accepted FOR PROCESSING. The customer always has access to information about the status and content of the order on the provider's website.
2. Order confirmed. The order goes into further processing. The provider reviews the order, checks the availability of the ordered items, and either confirms the order or rejects it with a reason. The provider may call the customer on their contact phone number to verify data or ensure the accuracy of the delivery. Upon confirmation of the order, the provider notifies the customer by email about the estimated delivery time. The purchase contract for the ordered items between the customer and the provider is irrevocably concluded at this stage.
3. Goods dispatched. The supplier prepares the goods within the agreed timeframe, dispatches them, and notifies the buyer of this via email. In the mentioned email, the supplier also informs the buyer about the return policy, where to turn in case of a delivery delay, and where to turn in case of a complaint.
4. The buyer of the purchased goods receives an invoice via email (eInvoice). The eInvoice is an invoice issued by the issuer of the invoice for the delivered goods or provided services to its recipient in electronic form and is equivalent to a paper invoice.
The provider allows the following payment methods:
- with the wine upon takeover (according to the summary)
- with the order to the account of the manager Regio Vita d.o.o. (according to the offer / pro forma invoice) using the UPN form
- payments with a credit or debit card Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard or Maestro
The supplier issues an invoice to the customer on an electronic medium, with itemized costs and instructions on how to withdraw from the purchase and return the products, if necessary and possible.
The purchase agreement (order) is stored in electronic form on the provider's server.
Payment and credit cards
In the case of payment by debit or credit cards, the following conditions apply:
You can safely pay for the ordered goods with a credit or debit card (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro) when placing an order online. The payer must be the same person or organization that owns the credit card. Purchases with a Maestro card can only be made if your bank allows online purchases.
The MasterCard SecureCode service is available to all MasterCard and Maestro cardholders of all banks in the Bankart system.
"After the confirmation of the order receipt, changes to the content of the order or the final amount of the order are not possible, except in exceptional cases with the approval of the company Regio Vita d.o.o."
A customer who orders products from the online store Slovenika can, in case they are not satisfied with the ordered products or wish to withdraw from the contract (purchase) for any reason, notify the company within 14 days of receiving the product (to the email address: info@slovenika.eu) that they are withdrawing from the contract, without having to provide a reason for their decision.
Within 30 days of the notification, the goods must be sent in unchanged quantity and undamaged to the address provided, as in the case of a return, the goods will be returned directly to the supplier.
We will refund all payments made to the buyer within 30 days of receiving the message without the buyer having to request it.
"The costs incurred upon the return of goods shall be borne by the buyer. Returned products must be unused, undamaged, and in their original packaging."
The buyer must attach a copy of the invoice to the return.
Custom products:
For custom-made products, the right of withdrawal from the purchase within 14 days without stating a reason is not possible. In the case of custom-made products, the buyer can assert a complaint within 60 days. The complaint must be in writing and must include:
- exact specification of a product or multiple products,
- "napako, ki se reklamira in"
- the original invoice must be attached.
The buyer must allow the company to inspect the product.
The company responds to the customer no later than within 8 days. In the case of a justified complaint, the company offers the customer a remedy, a new product, or the option to withdraw from the contract.
Zakaj izbrati Sloveniko?
Naša spletna trgovina je bila ustanovljena z vizijo podpiranja slovenskih malih podjetnikov, ki so temelj naše gospodarske rasti in razvoja. Z nakupom pri nas ne podpirate le slovenskega gospodarstva, ampak tudi spodbujate razvoj lokalnih skupnosti in prispevate k večji konkurenčnosti naše države na globalnem trgu.
Naši izdelki so skrbno izbrani in zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost ter izjemno okusno izkušnjo. Z močno zavezanostjo k lokalni proizvodnji in strogim nadzorom kakovosti vas lahko prepričamo, da boste prejeli le najboljše izdelke iz srca Slovenije
Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju izdelkov najvišje kakovosti, zato skrbno izbiramo vsak izdelek v našem asortimanu. Naše poslanstvo je presegati pričakovanja naših strank in ustvarjati nepozabne kulinarične izkušnje, ki povezujejo ljudi in spodbujajo ljubezen do dobrega okusa.
Toplo vabljeni, da odkrijete raznolikost slovenskih okusov, ki jih ponuja spletna trgovina slovenika.eu.