Easter greetings

Easter holidays are a time when the family gathers around a fully laden table and when time stands still in the company of each other and celebration. It is also at this time that nature begins to awaken, which fills us with new hope and energy. For this reason, Easter reminds us of new life, hope, and the power of new beginnings.

"May this time be an opportunity for personal growth, for connecting with those you love, and for spending time in peace and harmony. Additionally, Easter is a holiday that fills us with warmth, joy, and hope. And what could better express this joy and hope than Easter greetings?"

We offer you a rich collection of ideas for Easter greetings that will brighten the holiday days of your loved ones. Easter greetings are more than just words - they are a way to express your love, support, and joy during this important holiday. We wish for you to discover the small joys of life during the Easter holiday days, connect with your loved ones, and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.

"We invite you to browse our collection of greetings, find your favorites, and share the warmth and joy of Easter with your loved ones."


Jumps and jumps,
something happy,
you know well that Easter is
it brings us hope,
full baskets of pears
I still want to catch it,
the little rabbit is surprised,
run away and new
"Hurry towards the adventures!"
I'm sending you a bunny,
what color is the egg
'a writer who seeks horseradish'
and the fox cook,
to bake you a walnut roll.
Because you now have help
enjoy in peace and harmony Easter.
With the glow of the moon's edge,
little rabbit color gold eggs.
The golden eggs are magical.
even if they are very small.
May Easter bring you inner peace,
in the heart happiness and in the body health.
I am a little proud bunny who loves to jump happily.
around with a basket full of Easter treats.
"I will also visit you, I will ring the bell quietly."
I wish you a joyful Easter holiday.
Wealth of the soul
you are the most precious gift,
that the bunny brings you,
and distributes it to those,
which they want.
I'm sending you a rabbit.
to cut your balls
and load them into the basket
in k I set off.
I love you,
I'll give you an Easter egg.
Guard it with your heart,
give me a beautiful heart.
In the middle of the fields here and there
The little bunny is playing.
Jump here, jump there,
the road leads to your house.
Wishing you greetings for the holidays.
we send them from the heart.
The Light of the Risen
The Lord breaks the sorrow of the heart and spirit,
may we continue to feel peace and serenity.
A great gift of the Easter holidays
I hope, Christian hope,
who gives trust in God,
in his ultimate triumph
in his kindness and love,
that nothing can be broken.
Easter egg, Easter egg,
like a mini cartoon,
the bunnies are playing on it,
they are rejoicing, they are celebrating.
In the baskets, they carry flatbreads.
and gigantic legs.
Easter egg, Easter egg,
to turn left means,
turning right means.
My father is just a stubborn one,
always stick to the grass.
I will no longer go to the races.
I peel it and eat it.
A great love is not in the time of time,
that you live,
but in the size with which you live it.
"That is why there is love that transcends time beyond life."
That's why there is love forever:
immeasurable love for family.
I hope you have a good time.
Easter holidays
bring us a smile, harmony,
hope, patience, and dedication.
A little bunny is hopping.
with colorful games,
brings good will,
behaves with encouragement.
Happy and joyful Easter holidays!
Feast of the Resurrection of Christ
is the beginning of a new life.
May Easter bring you peace,
with him, a source of abundance and joy!
Happy, healthy, Easter and
the rest of the good deeds
"We wish you a happy Easter from the heart."
The bunny hops here and there,
'knows how to paint eggs nicely,'
I will send you all a message.
and he says to you,
May you be loved!
'Easter shone with beautiful flowers,'
"In His magnificent beauty, the Lord and King has risen from the grave."
In the garden a flower, on the branch a bird, on the table a festive potica!
"Spring is late – joyfully sings hallelujah."
"There will be plenty of ham and Easter eggs – this is my Easter wish."
Dear bunnies.
Be cheerful and lively,
smiling and accurate in the heat,
'may you enjoy the Easter eggs, ham, horseradish, and bread,'
"don't forget to take care of yourselves for the Easter holidays"
don't speak too much belly.
Happy Easter holidays.
For Easter, we send you assistance:
'a rabbit that likes to trim eggs,'
'a writer who seeks horseradish,'
in the kitchen, so that it bakes walnut roll.
Christ is risen!
Love has conquered hate.
Light has overcome darkness.
Life has overcome death.
"We wish you a meaningful celebration of the Easter mysteries."
for blessed goods!
What about me?
"Did you save one for me too?"
"Of course I will!"
"I will save an egg for you too."
"What color?"
I would have
green egg,
one that is green
from the beginning of Easter to the end of spring.
We wish you a blessed Easter holiday.
full of faith, hope, and love.
May the joyful awareness of Christ's victory over death be with you.
brings new hope and courage for tomorrow.
That Easter is coming,
all buds and screams, paradise.
Everything smells around the house.
and the sweet little breeze writes,
Mother bakes cakes,
the eyes are cutting us off.
There is a little bunny with a full basket of goodies
and I travel around to visit you too,
"I will ring you quietly and wish you a happy Easter holiday."
May the joy of Easter bring us.
with him understanding, love, harmony, peace!
'The light of God in hearts should never be extinguished,'
"May compassion for our fellow human beings be a source for all of us!"
"For Easter, I am sending you a rabbit to help."
when the egg is cut, one chick,
who the hell is looking for a cook fox,
may it bake you a walnut potica!
Let it be a great Easter celebration for us.
cheerful, content, full of sunshine, laughter!
With him, our belief is strengthened.
'In God's goodness, may it never cease!'
Between moments,
I remember the happy days in life,
I remember the Easter holidays
always evoke family happiness.
How deep the warmth of moments,
when we created unconscious memories together.
Such simple moments,
so harmless, yet so friendly...
How these holidays smell...
by warmth, by home and by happiness…
for the dear ones I miss today.
The warmest love and happiness
fill your home.
We wish you happy holidays,
"the most fattening"
and potica, ham,
from horseradish may the table be laid
and now the frost is leaving.
the beautiful will be a big night.
From horseradish, ham, eggs, potica
Let the table shake,
"With goodies may each of us celebrate Easter!"
"Gratefully we accept the gifts of a good God."
may happiness and abundance be only at our home!
The dawn of Easter morning may always renew you
fills with hope,
that life is stronger than death,
love stronger than hate.
To hope, and not to be ashamed,
but it gives meaning and courage,
with a clear gaze we look into the future
and at this moment we live in hope
in the final victory of life over death.
Easter is approaching!
Jesus has triumphed,
sacrificed for a person,
in the first light of morning,
he has risen for us from the dead.
I wish you happy holidays,
I want white bread.
sweet and fragrant cakes,
'red roses, much happiness.'
Easter, a beautiful holiday
'the man with the roses has sown,'
in its magnificent beauty
The Lord and King has risen from the grave.
"That it sprouts, blooms plan and mountain,"
'and the bird celebrates God's day,'
in the sun on the golden throne
"Above us, it shines brightly."
So I wish you to be cheerful
we would celebrate all these days,
in the pie in the cake in the shoulder
don't laugh at the table.
We are sending you a bunny,
what color is the egg
one chicken,
who is looking for horseradish
and the fox cook,
to bake you a walnut potica.
Because you now have help,
in peace and harmony
enjoy Easter!

Darila za rojstni dan

Obdarite svoje najdražje za rojstni dan z izvirnimi idejami iz Slovenike.

Zakaj izbrati Sloveniko?

Naša spletna trgovina je bila ustanovljena z vizijo podpiranja slovenskih malih podjetnikov, ki so temelj naše gospodarske rasti in razvoja. Z nakupom pri nas ne podpirate le slovenskega gospodarstva, ampak tudi spodbujate razvoj lokalnih skupnosti in prispevate k večji konkurenčnosti naše države na globalnem trgu.

Naši izdelki so skrbno izbrani in zagotavljajo vrhunsko kakovost ter izjemno okusno izkušnjo. Z močno zavezanostjo k lokalni proizvodnji in strogim nadzorom kakovosti vas lahko prepričamo, da boste prejeli le najboljše izdelke iz srca Slovenije

Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju izdelkov najvišje kakovosti, zato skrbno izbiramo vsak izdelek v našem asortimanu. Naše poslanstvo je presegati pričakovanja naših strank in ustvarjati nepozabne kulinarične izkušnje, ki povezujejo ljudi in spodbujajo ljubezen do dobrega okusa.

Toplo vabljeni, da odkrijete raznolikost slovenskih okusov, ki jih ponuja spletna trgovina slovenika.eu.