
Slovenia Memories - Lipizzaner

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Slovenian KLUN animal symbols are selected based on the strong identities of the country and cities.
The uniqueness lies in the collaboration with children, who strongly influenced the selection of the first models.
It plays an important role in promoting Slovene identity.

Lipizzaner is one of the oldest and most famous horse breeds, originating from Slovenia. The breed is closely linked to the historical site of Lipica in the southwest of Slovenia.
For more than 400 years, these exceptional horses have been bred.
Their white color symbolizes elegance, purity, strength, and sublimity.

Approximate dimensions 51 x 41 cm

Blazinice Klun Slovenia Memories are made from sustainable materials.


Približne dimenzije 51 x 41 cm

Blazinice Klun Slovenia Memories so izdelane iz trajnostnih materialov.

Čas dobave: 2 - 3 dni

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