Ajdov pillow Bonatura
The Ajdov pillow is filled with BIO buckwheat husks for a natural, warm, and healthy sleep. The husks are thermally treated and purified, making them suitable for anyone with dust mite allergies.
Main feature of buckwheat husks is the natural antioxidant and rutin, which have antiviral and mildly antibacterial effects. Compared to other fillings (pillow fillings), they are more loose, which gives the pillow even greater softness. The husks provide a massage effect - micro-massage, thus helping with various pains.
Main advantages of using the natural buckwheat pillow Bonatura, why it contributes to the quality of your sleep or rest are:
- excellent regulate heat - they heat in winter, cool in summer
- excellent moisture conductivity, no more sweating
- 'the shells are very flexible and airy which prevents the development of mites, making them suitable for anyone with mite allergies and asthmatics'
- 'the shells perfectly adapt to the neck and head, which is why they are considered anatomically shaped pillows'
- inserted zipper allows for washing the cover, ventilation, changing, adding or removing shells
The pillow not only provides a high level of comfort but also relieves discomfort in:
- migraine (headache)
- pain in the cervical spine, shoulders, occiput, and head
- insecurity
- in the joints
- improve circulation
The Ajdov pillow is suitable for everyone from 5 years old who desires a quality, comfortable, and natural sleep.
Le živeti je potrebno z naravo in uživamo lahko pridelke in izdelke, ki nam jih narava širokogrudno ponuja. Pridelke in izdelke Bonatura z vso skrbnostjo pridelujemo skozi vso leto. Zato smo na njih tudi ponosni! Verjamemo, da vas bodo lokalni, domači pridelki prepričali z okusom in izdelki s kakovostjo. Le domače-lokalno pridelano vam zagotavlja, da so pridelki dejansko obogateni z vitamini in minerali.
Čas dobave: 3 - 5 delovnih dni