Posestvo Passero

Collection of pralines "Chocolate Delights of Prekmurje" / 275g

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From the countryside chocolate shop at the Passero homestead, the scent of Prekmurje wafts.

The collection of homemade flavors in chocolate coating begins with the taste of a chanterelle mushroom paradise, followed by a warm elderflower surprise, where the flavors of pumpkin, golden traminer, and dark chocolate are inseparable like day and night. Of course, the highlight is a true Prekmurje gibanica in miniature. The collection is an expression of gratitude towards culinary tradition, modern relaxation, and youthful playfulness spiced with imagination.

"Indulge in honest pleasure. Share chocolate joy, friendship, affection, love. The feeling of giving is the sweetest after all."



Čokolada (kakavova masa, sladkor, kakavovo maslo, posneto mleko v prahu, mlečna maščoba, emulgator: sojin lecitin, naravna aroma vanilije), smetana, glukozni sirup, jurkina kaša (jurka, sladkor, sadni pektin), bučno olje, bezgovec (voda, sladkor, bezgovo cvetje, limonin sok), traminec (alk 1,8% vol), suha jabolka, rozine, orehi, mak, rum (alk 3,4% vol). Lahko vsebuje sledove: oreščkov, žit, jajc. Pralineji vsebujejo alkohol. Živilo ni primerno za otroke!

Energijska vrednost: 1890kJ / 451kcal
Maščobe: 30,9g
Od tega nasičene maščobe: 17,3g
Ogljikovi hidrati: 39,5g
Od tega sladkorji: 30,5g
Beljakovine: 4,4g
Sol: 0,1g

275g / 25 pralinejev

Čas dobave: 5 - 6 dni

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