Lucifer Chocolate

Strawberry Balls

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Strawberries in white chocolate are pieces of strawberry jelly coated with fine white chocolate with added yogurt and freeze-dried strawberries, 125 g.

Dream balls STRAWBERRY are pieces of strawberry jelly, coated with fine white chocolate with added yogurt and freeze-dried strawberries.

"We thickened the berry porridge with 100% natural fruit cubes (with the addition of apple puree). We coated them with 29% white chocolate, to which we added yogurt and strawberry powder (freeze-dried strawberries, ground into a fine powder). This naturally colored the fine chocolate coating and added an extra layer of flavor."

"We poured fine gluten-free strawberry balls into glass jars, which are also very suitable as gifts. Lucifer's chocolate masterpieces are excellent gifts that bring joy!"

Sweet white chocolate with a hint of yogurt gently melts in the mouth and reveals a seductive strawberry center for even greater pleasure.


bela čokolada 60 % (sladkor, kakavovo maslo, polnomastno mleko v prahu, posneto mleko v prahu, kakavova masa, emulgator: sojin lecitin, naravna aroma vanilije), granulat jagod 40 % (34 % sadje (14 % koncentart jagodnega soka, 11 % jagodni pire koncentrat, 9 % jabolčni pire koncentrat), fruktozni sirup, riževa moka, kakavovo maslo, želirno sredstvo: pektin, kislinsko sredstvo: citronska kislina E330, koncentrat češnjevega soka, naravne arome, citrusna vlakna), liofizirane jagode, jogurt v prahu, naravna aroma jagode, barvilo: E129, sredstvo za glaziranje: šelak, sončnično olje, etanol.

Lahko vsebuje sledi oreščkov in arašidov!

Kakavovi deli: najmanj 29 % v čokoladi.

Čas dobave: 2 - 3 dni

Do you need larger quantities?

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