Plant at the birth of a child (Nolina)
"Without Nolina, a plant that will grow together with the newborn. I am non-toxic and very good at cleaning the air, which makes me perfect for a child's room. In addition, I can bring in both a lot of light (direct sunlight) and darker corners. Since I store water in my stem, from where I also get my other name elephant's foot, I don't need much watering. This way, new parents will have enough time and attention for the baby 🙂"
"When you order me, I come already gift-wrapped with a dedication, but if you later choose gift packaging, you can also add your own greeting card 🙂"
*Note: Decorative pot not included.
Origin: Mexico
Fotografije prikazujejo primer rastline in ne dejanske rastline, ki jo naročite. Ker je vsaka rastlina unikatna, so možne manjše variacije. Med prikazano in kupljeno rastlino so lahko manjše razlike v velikosti, variegaciji, številu listov, vej, cvetov, itd. …
Pred pošiljanjem vse rastline skrbno pregledamo in zagotovimo, da gredo na pot zdrave in čim bolj podobne izdelku na fotografiji.
Vse rastline so primarno v plastičnih sadilnih lončkih. Okrasni lonec ni vključen v ceno.
Čas dobave: 5 - 6 dni