Benedict d.o.o.
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"For our premium chocolate bar, we used the highest quality cocoa beans and cocoa butter from Latin America, as we want you to experience the taste of true divine cocoa. With passionate additions, we aim to take you into a sensual chocolate affair. The rose has been known since ancient times, just as it is today, either for the pleasant scent it emits, for its beauty, or for the essence of its oil."
Teža 85 g
Sestavine: bela čokolada (kakavovi deli najmanj 25%, sladkor, kakavovo maslo, mleko v prahu, sirotka v prahu, vrtnica (10%), emulgatorji: sojini lecitini, vanilija). Lahko vsebuje sledove oreščkov. Izdelek ne vsebuje gensko spremenjenih organizmov ali glutena.
Čas dobave: 2 - 3 dni