Homegrown vegetables all year round
The author, agricultural advisor Miša Pušenjak, has tackled an interesting and very relevant topic in her new book – how to grow enough vegetables in the home garden, greenhouse, or raised bed to be as self-sufficient as possible all year round. For each month, there are detailed instructions on sowing, planting, transplanting, caring for, harvesting, and storing vegetables. Diseases and pests that appear in that month are described, along with advice on their prevention and elimination. She advises what to do if summer storms affect our vegetable garden and how to protect vegetables from strong sun, heat, drought, moisture, and frost. Above all, she teaches amateur gardeners positive thinking, patience, and perseverance. This is a manual that we open in winter when we start thinking about which vegetables we will plant that year, and it remains our companion throughout the growing season – from January to December.
Čas dobave: 5- 6 dni