€22,51 €23,70

Gingo in the land of words

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Author: Dragica Šteh, Petra Kavšek Vrhovec and Meta Dolinar
Publisher: Self-publishing
Year of release: 2021
ISBN: 9789619458440
The book contains an important professional speech therapy foundation. Each story has a carefully set speech therapy goal and tips for exercises. The texts, written in colorful clouds, are messages from the main character – Gingo, so we can also read the book with the help of the Gingo puppet. The stories are short and simple, suitable even for those children who are less attentive while reading or have a harder time calming down.
€22,51 €23,70you save €1,19

V knjigi se izmenjujejo male in velike črke, namenjene spoznavanju abecede in učenju branja. Posamezna zgodba je prirejena za prepoznavanje ali pridobivanje točno določenega glasu. Zgodbe se lahko berejo po vrsti ali pa glede na cilj, ki ga želimo doseči. Nazorne in slikovite ilustracije v knjigi nas vodijo k poimenovanju, naštevanju, tvorjenju povedi ter tudi k vajam motorike govoril. V zgodbah so pesmice in rime, ki spodbujajo k ponavljanju in s tem k utrjevanju pridobljenega glasu.

Trda vezva. 25.5 x 28.7 cm, 245 strani.

Čas dobave: 2 - 3 dni

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