Kmetija Vizjak

Premium gift box

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1. creamy honey
2. creamy honey

The premium gift box is a prestigious gift, where the surprise begins with the elegant quality packaging in which there are a quality homemade honey liqueur made according to a special recipe with added flower pollen and two creamy honeys with a special flavor.


Premium darilni box je prestižno darilo, kjer se presenečenje začne že z elegantno kvalitetno embalažo v kateri se skrivata kvaliteten domač medeni liker narejen po posebnem receptu z dodanim cvetnim prahom in dva kremna medova s posebnim okusom.

Čas dobave: 3 - 5 dni

Do you need larger quantities?

"We help you choose Slovenian business gifts for partners and colleagues, we design gift sets, personalize gifts, and have 1001 ideas for every occasion. Contact us: 030 20 10 50,"
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