KUD Sodobnost International
€20,80 €21,90


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Author: Rok Tkavc
Publisher: KUD Sodobnost International
Year of release: 2023
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 26.5 x 21 cm
Number of pages: 32
ISBN: 9789617132595
Girl Sofija and her loyal friend, the puppy Parsifal Hrabri, are inseparable adventurers. When on vacation at her grandparents' house, Sofija discovers an old, forgotten stool in the garden shed, and this simple object becomes a versatile tool in her hands. She cleverly uses the stool for play and as a bridge to discover new things: she can look over the fence with it, reach the branches of a tree to pick peaches, use it as a footbridge to cross a stream, or as a basket to carry fruit. But is Sofija now tall enough because of the stool to finally fulfill her hidden wish?
€20,80 €21,90you save €1,10

- Slikanica se osredinja okrog starega pozabljenega predmeta, pručke, ki skozi zgodbo postaja simbol otroške domišljije, neodvisnosti in iznajdljivosti pri premagovanju ovir.

- Dolgčas lahko izzove prebujanje otroške igrivosti in domišljije, in prav na to »izgubljeno« dobrino opozarja slikanica. S pručko, torej z domišljijo, »sežeš više in premagaš ovire. Če pa jo skriješ v uto, se na njej nabere prah.«

- Preplet realnega in domišljijskega v knjigi odlično prikažejo ilustracije – pred nami zaživi zgodba, polna topline.

Trda vezava, 21 x 26,5 cm, 32 strani.

Čas dobave: 2 - 3 dni

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