Slovenian forest honey
Very aromatic forest honey is collected by our bees in the pristine valley beneath Boč.
Forest honey combines the best that is hidden in the forest.
Contains many mineral substances, iron, nitrogen compounds, and calcium, so it can help improve anemia.
It is intended for the regeneration of an exhausted body after strenuous work or illness, strengthens the body's resistance, and has anti-inflammatory effects.
Gozdni med je tradicionalen slovenski proizvod, ki ga v sodelovanju z čebelami pridelujemo na naši kmetiji.
Medu ne segrevamo, zato lahko kristalizira. Utekočiniš ga lahko s segrevanjem do največ 38 stopinj celzija, saj takoi med še ohrani vse svoje pozitivne sestavine.
Hramba: Hrani ga v suhem, hladnem in temnem prostoru.
Čas dobave: 3 - 5 dni