OTTO coffee maker
OTTO is a modern "džezva" that ensures excellent coffee taste, controlled preparation, and looks great in any modern kitchen.
The Turkish coffee preparation dates back centuries, and during this time, a specific shape of the pot for its preparation has been developed, which is wide at the bottom and has a narrow neck and a wide spout. This shape allows the water and coffee to circulate nicely as the temperature rises, ensuring an excellent coffee flavor; the narrow neck ensures that the flavors are "captured" in the pot, while the wide spout allows for a clean and controlled pouring of the coffee.
Material: Nerjaveče jeklo
Volume: 550ml (za do 5 skodelic kave)
Dela na vseh vrstah štedilnikov, tudi na indukcijskem.
Ne priporočamo pranja v pomivalnem stroju.
PRO TIP: OTTO deluje z večino indukcijskih kuhalnih plošč. Vendar pa obstaja majhno število modelov indukcijskih kuhalnih plošč, ki imajo težave z zaznavanjem loncev in ponev manjšega premera. Če želite zagotoviti, da bo vaša kuhalna plošča brezhibno delovala z OTTO 'džezvo', jo pred naročilom preizkusite z indukcijsko posodo podobnega premera. Osnovni premer OTTA je 96 mm.
Čas dobave: 1 - 2 dni