€14,25 €15,00

Love CD

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Author: Good Fairy Maja - Maja Debelak
Publisher: In the morning
Year of release: 2012
The CD Love is dedicated to everyone who is looking for a partner or desires change in the area of love. The content speaks about love, jealousy, types of relationships, breakups, attachment, friendship, decisions, and infatuation. 52 minutes will take you on a journey where you will confront yourself and find your inner strength. Namely, as long as we are empty, we attract emptiness, and when we are full, we start attracting fullness. The myth that opposites attract is not true. We always attract someone similar to ourselves, and we should take a good look in the mirror at what our relationship is telling us. You know, be the change you want to see in the world. Everything starts and ends within us. Therefore, seek answers within yourself and not in your surroundings. As long as you are not happy with yourself, you cannot be happy with others either. Above all, start loving yourself, but truly love yourself, then everything will flow magically, and that is the message of Maja's new CD, which you can listen to in the car on your way to work or at home in a comfortable armchair. Love is the key to everything. Let's love ourselves - ourselves and others.
€14,25 €15,00you save €0,75


1.Ljubezen : 9:02,

2. Tipi partnerskih odnosov : 2:55,

3. Ljubosumje : 8:12,

4. Prekinitev veze : 5:02,

5. Navezanost : 7:04,

6. Prijateljstvo : 4:55,

7. Odločitve : 3:46,

8. Zaljubljenost : 11:17

Čas dobave: 2 - 3 dni

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